From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Performing routine maintenance

Performing routine maintenance

- [Instructor] This week I want to talk a little bit about file maintenance. Now, last week we actually talked about the Purge Unused command, which is actually a kind of maintenance tool, so we're staying on that theme of file maintenance. Where Purge Unused is useful for eliminating unused elements within a file with the aim of reducing file size and overall performance, there are a few other maintenance tools that we have at our disposal that help us clean up a file and make sure that its structures and its database and the other things that are happening behind the scenes are staying healthy and are performing at their best. So, the first tool that I wanna show you is the Audit tool. And you get to that at the time of opening a project. So, you'll notice that I don't have a project open at the moment, so I'm gonna click the Open link here on the Recent Files screen, or you can go to File, Open. And then…
