From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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New in Revit 2022: Using shared parameters in key schedules

New in Revit 2022: Using shared parameters in key schedules

From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

New in Revit 2022: Using shared parameters in key schedules

- [Instructor] This week, I want to talk about an exciting new feature in the latest release of Revit. And that is that we can now include shared parameters in key schedules. So let me start with a really brief description of what a key schedule is. A key schedule is a schedule that allows you to speed up the input of repetitive values that are assigned to instance based text parameters. So, there's a lot of objects that will have instance based text parameters, room finishes is the example that I'm going to show here, but it could also be door hardware, or other types of data that's on various model objects. Filling that information out in a schedule can become very tedious. And if you've got patterns in that data, if you've got groups of objects that need similar parameters, then a key schedule can help speed up that data input. Up until the current release, we were not able to use shared parameters in a key schedule.…
