From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Make a curved window that matches its host wall

Make a curved window that matches its host wall

From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

Make a curved window that matches its host wall

- [Instructor] I had a question not too long ago about creating an opening that would cut a curved wall, but follow the curvature of the wall so that the sides of the opening would actually follow the radius, as opposed to being parallel. If we take a look at the floor plan here in this view, I've got a standard opening object right here. Now this is how a window would behave, how a door would behave, or even just a plain old opening. They all kind of behave the same way in the sense that the two sides are always going to be parallel to each other. Which means that when you cut that opening into a curved wall, it's very noticeable that the edges are parallel and they don't follow the radius. Now, in some cases, that's exactly what you want and nothing to do. But in other cases where you want those edges to follow the radius and look more like these two reference planes here, then you need to create another family to…
