From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Lock dimensions in the Family Editor

Lock dimensions in the Family Editor

- [Instructor] I have a Family Editor tip for you this week. I was working on piece of casework for a client recently. This was a retail client, so this particular item here is a piece of cabinetry where you'd have some registers in the check-out line. And you can see that there's a lot of little cubbies, and a lot of openings and so forth in here. But there are a lot of dimensions that you reuse, so each of these little surfaces here are the same thickness and it's probably best to show you this in the front elevation. So if I go to the front elevation here and I zoom in you can see that the size of all those little shelves are being controlled by a pair of reference planes in each situation and each of those reference planes is controlled by a parameter called typical thickness. And it's just set to 3/4 of an inch. I was working along in here and I kind of got everything mostly laid out. So I wanted to move this shelf right…
