From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Leveraging existing model groups in arrays

Leveraging existing model groups in arrays

From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

Leveraging existing model groups in arrays

- [Instructor] I discovered kind of an interesting, little behavior recently. It's not necessarily a really significant thing, but I think that it's interesting enough that it was worth mentioning in this week's tip and who knows, maybe you can make use of it in some of your own projects. The easiest way to describe what I'm talking about is to just simply show it to you, so I'm going to select something here in this view and I'm going to copy it off to the side, this little chair right here, and if you've ever created an array before, then you know that an array is multiple copy and what it actually does is it groups the elements that you're copying and then it associates them with the array. So when I select this ting and I go to the array, I can do either linear or a radial and there's that Group and Associate feature. So I'll just go ahead and put in a quantity of maybe five here, click a start point, pick a new…
