From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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How to move a central file

How to move a central file

- [Voiceover] In working on a team project in one where worksharing is enabled, file management can be a little bit more of a challenge. In particular, if you have a situation where the central file has moved and changed from its original location, then when you next access it, it's gonna take a couple steps to ensure that the central file is being accessed correctly and that everyone can find it. Now, if this happens in your project, if you have have to move your workshared central file, then of course the most important thing that you wanna do is make sure that everyone closes out of their project, that you don't have multiple users trying to access while you're performing the next few steps, but it might be a situation where you have to install a new hard drive in your server or you've run out of space in one location and you need to move it to another or you've gotten a consultant file and you need to change locations…
