From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Curtain wall with an irregular edge

Curtain wall with an irregular edge

- [Instructor] Got an interesting challenge in my LinkedIn communication recently. Somebody sent me this sketch and asked if we could do this as a curtain wall. So I took them at face value and I said, "Okay, strictly a standard curtain wall." My first reaction was, no, not really, because doing angled mullions in a curtain wall is incredibly difficult, if not impossible in a case like this. But it's not completely impossible. There are ways to angle the mullions. It's just that they can be really tricky, and frankly, a little bit wonky when you do that. But I thought about it some more, and I did come up with a solution that I sent to her, and it's not a terrible solution, but it's not a great solution either. So I'm going to share it with you this week. And so, you know, I, with all that buildup, you might be real excited to do this week's lesson, but I do want to say that we're keeping it within the traditional…
