From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Creating roof crickets with shape editing tools

Creating roof crickets with shape editing tools

From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

Creating roof crickets with shape editing tools

- This week I want to talk about how to create a commercial flat roof with sloping for drainage and these roof crickets here. So we're going to use the shape editing tools to do that. Now the exercise file that I'm providing here comes from the exercises in my latest Revit book. If you go to my website you can learn more about the book it's called Revit Essentials for Architecture. And not only does it cover this exercise for doing these roof crickets, but it actually shows you how the entire building was created from start to finish. So go ahead and check that out if you're interested. But meanwhile, this is the final result of our exercise today. So you can see that we've got these roof crickets providing for the drainage of this flat commercial roof. And what I'm going to do is kind of reset all of this and start over again. So we're going to select this roof here and then use this reset shape button right here. And…
