From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Create vaulted roofs and ceilings

Create vaulted roofs and ceilings

- [Instructor] In this video I want to show you a few different techniques that you can use to create barrel vaults or groin vaults. Now, I'm just using simple extruded roofs to demonstrate these examples. You can get to an extruded roof on the drop down of the Roof command. You go Roof by Extrusion. That will require a Work Plane. So, I've got several named Work Planes in this file. So, I'm going to choose Grid A as a work plane. It will also require you to associate it with a level. So, I'll choose the Roof level. Then you use a simple arc is all that's needed here. And you can kind of just draw your arc shape. With an extruded roof, you just need the one curve because the thickness will come from the roof type itself. So, notice that when I finish creating the sketch, it'll automatically apply that thickness from this 12 inch roof type that I have right here. So, I'm just going to go ahead and delete that. But that's…
