From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Create an ADA curb cut with a loadable family

Create an ADA curb cut with a loadable family

From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

Create an ADA curb cut with a loadable family

- [Instructor] A very common requirement in any sort of sidewalk or parking lot is to have accessible ramped areas for wheelchair access. And, in order to model those, there's a few different techniques that you can use. So if you watched last week's tip, then you saw that I used the technique that's over here on the right of my screen where I actually used the shape editing tools on the floor element and then just simply moved those points in the Z direction to create that curb cut directly in the floor element in (mumbling) as part of the floor element. But there's another technique that you can use instead and that's to create a loadable family that will have a void inside of it and that void will cut away from the floor slab achieving essentially the same thing. But in a family that you can use in multiple locations. So, the nice advantage of the family approach is you only need to build one of these and then you can use…
