From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Controlling the spacing of elements with global parameters

Controlling the spacing of elements with global parameters

From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

Controlling the spacing of elements with global parameters

- [Instructor] I have a collection of sinks here and it's a pretty common desire to want to take a collection of items, such as these sinks, and make them equally spaced, so it's pretty easy to do that. We've been able to do that for a long time in Revit using a dimension, so I will dimension the centers of each of these sinks. Place the dimension string, and we've been able to click the toggle equality for some time now and be able to get all of those elements equally spaced. Now that's very effective and it works pretty well. And all of the sinks are equal to one another, but what we don't know here is what the distance is to the end of the counter top on either side. Using an equality dimension, you really can't achieve that. What I want to look at here is a compliment to our equality dimensions or in some cases even an alternative to them, and that is global parameters. Now global parameters is a feature…
