From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Calculating averages in schedules, part 1

Calculating averages in schedules, part 1

From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

Calculating averages in schedules, part 1

- [Paul] Recently, I was a guest on the "BIM After Dark Live" web show hosted by Jeffrey Pinheiro, TheRevitKid. And we did a Q&A session. And one of the questions that came up in the session was if we could calculate averages in a schedule. Now, I was pretty sure I had seen a technique to do this at some point and I tried to recreate it by memory in the live show. And I came up a little bit short. So, it turned out that that segment was more of a stump the chump than I was counting on. But both Jeffrey and I agreed that we would go back and look at it later. And we talked about it and through the course of those conversations, we came up with not one, but actually two different solutions. So, what I'm going to do with you here in this week's video is I'm going to share with you the first solution that we came up with. And this one was one that Jeffrey suggested. And then next week, I'm going to continue on this topic…
