From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Attaching top and base for columns

Attaching top and base for columns

- [Instructor] There's a client of mine here in Chicago who likes to come into training in the middle of training and wait for me to finish talking about a particular topic that I might be discussing and then say, is that new? And usually gets a chuckle lot of at least myself and usually somebody else in the room. And he often likes to do that on features that are clearly not new, just to kind of, for the comedic effect, if you will. So I had an experience recently where I was performing a modification in a model and I noticed a feature in the tool and I don't remember ever seeing it before. So I was thinking to myself, hmm, is that new? And it made me think of my client Frank there that always likes to ask that question. So it turns out that the feature that I discovered is not new. It's been in the software for quite some time and I just simply missed it. So I thought, well, if I've missed it, maybe…
