From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Controlling rotation in a family: Part two

Controlling rotation in a family: Part two

From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

Controlling rotation in a family: Part two

- [Instructor] This week is going to be part two of our rotating die family. So if you watched last week, then you know we started off with this simple exercise file here that had some dice in it. And I showed you how to make this die family rotate in two different directions so that it could spin around freely. So that was the subject of last week's video, was the rotation aspects of this family. Now we're going to direct our attention to the die itself, and it turns out it's going to take two parts to do that. So at first you may be thinking that it's a pretty simple family and it is, but there actually is some complexity to it as well. So we're going to be looking at how I rounded the edges in all six sides. So that's going to be one thing that we're going to be focused on. Another is how to create the pip geometry. Those are the little indentations that represent the numbers. Those are called pips. So creating those…
