From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Highlight a row in a schedule

Highlight a row in a schedule

- [Instructor] Recently I published a course here in the library called Revit Issues and Revisions, and naturally this course covers revision clouds, and deltas, and the revision schedules and so on. And shortly after publishing the course, there was a question that says, "Is there a conditional formatting way to show changes in the schedule instead of clouds? Clouding on sheets for a door schedule works until you start adding or removing doors, in which case the location of the door would shift up or down." So it's a great question and it is certainly an issue. And what I've got here is a very simple file to help us talk about this and discuss alternatives. So let's imagine that I had this situation where these three doors are being revised. So those are doors 108, 109, and 110. So we've clouded them here on a floor plan. And then I'm going to go to the schedule sheet, which is A601, and double click and open that up. And…
