From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Roof eave in-place void condition

Roof eave in-place void condition

- [Paul] Last week we looked at this custom roof eave condition and we looked at a few different solutions for how to achieve this little projecting drip edge at the top of the roof assembly. A few of them were model-based solutions, a few of them were detail based solutions. One of the solutions I discussed last week involved a void family that was cutting the roof assembly. Now it actually was an in-place void family, but I talked about using a nested profile to help achieve the shape that we want to cut away. That's what I'd like to dig into a little bit more this week is creating that profile family in a parametric way so that it's more flexible and more useful to us as a solution. So I've got a version of the file here on screen, and as you can see, I've got this sort of completed condition right here. And just to kind of remind you what we have, this is the roof assembly, but if I put my mouse right about here and press the tab key, I can select this in-place family, which…
