From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Roof eave conditions

Roof eave conditions

- [Instructor] Longtime viewer Valerie Pierre reached out to me recently with a question. She sent me this illustration of a roof detail like this and was wondering the best way to approach it. And she had come up with two solutions, one that involved detailing, and the other that involved the model. And she was wondering if there was any better way to model this condition than what she had come up with. So what I decided to do was kind of explore several different options to try and come up with a good solution for this. And ideally, what would've been possible is what we can do with walls. So I'm going to start there because this was kind of like the underlying thought in my mind is, boy, it would be great if we could do it this way. So if I go to this view called wall unlock layers, wall assemblies, you can select them, you can edit the type, you can turn on the preview so that it's visible over here on the left and change that to a section preview. Once you do that, you can zoom…
