From the course: Revit: Generative Design

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Inputs and outputs

Inputs and outputs

- [Instructor] With every generative design algorithm, we need inputs and outputs. Inputs are required to generate options and outputs are used to evaluate those options. So let's have a look at how inputs and outputs are specified in a generative design script. For this lesson, I have the exercise file open which is the sample file provided by Autodesk for the three box massing study. This study allows us to move and adjust the height of three different cuboids in order to optimize their location and size to find a form which has a minimal surface area and a maximum floor area. In this script, it's broken up into three sections. We have the inputs in these pink blocks. We have the workings or the algorithms of the script in these light green blocks. And then we have the outputs in these orange blocks. We also have a way to integrate with Revit in this gray box, which we'll look at later on. For now, let's focus on the…
