From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture
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Creating ceilings - Revit Tutorial
From the course: Revit 2024: Essential Training for Architecture
Creating ceilings
- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to add ceiling elements to our model. So to get started, I'm going to go to the architecture tab and locate the ceiling button right here. So I'm going to click that and the first thing we want to check is what kind of ceiling you are creating. So if you're working in the Imperial file, choose the two-by-four acoustical ceiling tile system. If you're working in the metric file, that's going to be 600 by 1200 millimeters. Now there's two ways to create a ceiling. There's automatic ceiling and sketch ceiling. Now automatic is already chosen, so why don't we start with that for this first example. Now if I move my mouse into the floor plan, the way the automatic ceiling works is you need to put your mouse inside an enclosed space and then it will sense the boundaries of that enclosed space, so let's try that right here. Trouble is, you can see that it's sensing the boundary of the…
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Creating floors11m 43s
Creating footprint roofs9m 42s
Attaching walls to roofs9m 15s
Creating extrusion roofs5m 39s
Using the shape editing tools to create a flat roof11m 24s
Working with slope arrows6m 49s
Creating ceilings8m 18s
Adjusting ceiling patterns6m 52s
Adding shafts and dormers7m 13s