From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP

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Starting a project using Revit templates

Starting a project using Revit templates - Revit MEP Tutorial

From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP

Starting a project using Revit templates

- [Instructor] Let's start a new project, shall we? This simple task is the underpinning of our workflow. Making sure you're starting your projects with the correct template is crucial to your experience as the project progresses. Of course different companies are going to have different templates that are going to be used. For the benefit of this course, however, will be using the default Revit Electrical Template that comes with the software. So, to get started let's jump into Revit. Notice over on the left we have Models, Open and New, families Open and New. We can show our recent files, which I'm showing now. And of course we have Autodesk Docs which is basically BIM 360. This is called the home screen. If you click on this button right here, this will tag between any models you have open and the home screen. Let's start a new one. Under models, let's go to New. For the template file, we can click the dropdown…
