From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP

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Large distribution

Large distribution

- [Instructor] So where are we going to get our power from? It's a good question. Without a substation or a metering station it's going to be hard to get power into the building. Let's do that. Let's drop in some large type equipment. On our Models, let's go Open. Browse where you're keeping your exercise files. Let's grab Electrical Project Large Distribution, click Open. In the Project Browser, let's scroll down to Electrical Power. Let's go to Level 1 Electrical Room. I'm going to wide in this crop region. So I'm going to select my crop region, grab my grip and bring it out, 'cause we're going to have to put a big station here too. Let's go to Insert. Let's go to Load Family. Browse where you're keeping your exercise files. Hold on the Control key and grab Metering Station as well as Substation, click Open. Go to the Systems tab, on the Electrical panel, click Electrical Equipment. Make sure Metering Station is…
