From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP

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Exporting to PDF

Exporting to PDF

- [Instructor] We don't need to add PDF drivers to print to PDF from Revit anymore. Nope, Revit can export directly to PDF. The objective of this video is to export our sheets to a portable document format. In Revit on our models, let's go to open, browse where you're keeping your exercise files. Let's go to Revit workflow printing, click open. Now there's two places you can go to to export to a PDF. One is right here on the quick access toolbar. And the other is if you go to file, export, PDF. Either way let's go to export PDF. We can print the current window, of course. Or my favorite is to go to selected views sheets. To selected views in the sheets, let's click the little pencil icon, for the display filter, click the drop down, let's uncheck 2D views, 3D views. Now, while we have our sheets, pretty obvious choice here, we're going to click on sheet M101, sheet M102. If you click the preview button,…
