From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP

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Creating an analytical air system

Creating an analytical air system - Revit MEP Tutorial

From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP

Creating an analytical air system

- [Instructor] Something that's been added to Revit is the ability to create an entire Air System based on an Air Handling Unit, complete with Water Loops and the equipment that's associated with it. This allows us to perform overall building and loading analysis in a much more concise manner than in previous versions. The objective of this video is to create an AHU system with a Hot and Chilled Water Loop. We'll add a VAV to the system as well. So in Revit, under MODELS, let's go to Open. Browse to where you're keeping your Exercise Files. Let's open MEP-PROGRESS. Now let's make sure this is linked correctly. Go ahead and select your link. Make sure that it's pinned. Click Edit Type. Make sure Room Bounding is turned on. Without Room Bounding turned on, we're not going to be able to do any of these items. Let's click OK. Let's zoom in on our model here. Let's go to Analyze. Let's click on Space. Click Place…
