From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP

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Adding pipe accessories

Adding pipe accessories

- [Instructor] There are a lot of different types of pipe accessories we could add to this model. Since we only have a few pipes drawn in, we'll add a few different pipe accessories. Before I even get started, we're going to use the pipe accessories that are available within the Revit library. Know that you can go to any manufacturer, Bell & Gossett, Mueller, and you can get their pipe accessories. So to get started in Revit, under Models let's go Open. Let's find Plumbing Project Accessories and click Open. Perfect. Let's scroll into this room here. Let's go to the Systems tab, under Plumbing and Piping, let's click on Pipe Accessory. There's none loaded in here, why would there be? This is the default template, there should be, but let's click Yes to load one now. Scroll out to your Imperial library, let's come down to Pipe. You would naturally want to go to accessories but in this case, we're going to go to valves.…
