From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP

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Adding lighting fixtures

Adding lighting fixtures

- [Instructor] Okay, let's light it up. The obviously objective of this video is to add some lights into a ceiling plan. To do that, let's jump into Revit. Under Models, let's go Open. Browse where you're keeping your exercise files. I'm going to grab Electrical Project Lighting. Then we'll click Open. In the project browser under Electrical Lighting, let's go to Ceiling Plans "One Ceiling Elec." And I just want to make sure lighting fixtures are visible. Let's check out our visibility graphic overrides by clicking Edit. Scroll down till we find Lighting Fixtures and Devices. And we are good to go. Click Okay. Let's go to the same room we were in before. Let's go to the Systems tab. This time let's click Lighting Fixture. Let's see what we've got. Click the dropdown in our type selector dropdown. Now in a Plain Recessed Lighting Fixture I guess we're stuck with that. Let's go with the 2X4-277. Notice…
