From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP

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Adding air terminals

Adding air terminals

- [Instructor] Adding air terminals are very similar to adding lights, with one exception. We like to host lights to ceilings. Well, why not? If the architect Moves the ceiling, our light Moves with it, no problem. An air terminal would do the same thing, but this is actually not the best workflow. The problem is the light has nothing physically hooked to it. If the ceiling Moves up a foot or two, no problem. An air terminal, however, has a duct hooked to it. If the air terminal in the ceiling Moves up to the point where Revit can't make the duct connection, you'll get errors all over the place. So let's do it. Let's jump into Revit. Under models, let's go Open. Let's go to Mechanical Project Terminals. Let's click Open. In the project browser, under Mechanical HVAC, let's go to Ceiling Plan Level 1. Let's zoom into this area here. Let's go to the Systems tab, let's go to Air Terminal. Let's take a look and see…
