From the course: Revit 2020: Essential Training for Structure (Imperial)

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Creating ramps

Creating ramps

- [Instructor] Alright, let's go ahead and make some ramps. Let's jump into Structure_45. Let's go down to level one. Let's scroll into this area over here. On the Architecture tab, let's click Ramp. So, we have to change the Base Offset before we change the Top Level or it'll break. So for the Base Offset, let's type in negative two space six Enter. For the Top Level, let's select level one. Let's click Apply. It wasn't too hard. Let's click the midpoint of this line while we... Right there. Now I want to come down 15 feet. So 15 feet, pick that point there. Now I'm going to come down on this side, just like what we did with the stair, so this is going to create our landing 'cause we went 15 feet which is as far as we can go. I'm going to pick a point right about here and I'm just going to go right past it like I did with my stairs and pick a point there and it's going to put in that landing. Hit Esc a couple times. Click Finish Edit Mode. But I know that there's going to be a…
