From the course: Revit 2020: Essential Training for Structure (Imperial)

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Creating a pier tag

Creating a pier tag

- [Instructor] We've already messed with some framing tags, but this time I'd like to jump down and do some custom tags for our foundations. After we tag it I'd also like to make a foundation plan sheet and put all these schedules onto it. Let's open Structure_55. In the Project Browser let's go down to type of footing. Come in to any one of these footings, and I'm going to tag that footing. Click on the Tag by Category button right here. Uncheck Leader, and let's pick it. For our orientation let's go Horizontal. Now let's pick it. I'm going to click the move button, kind of move it out. That's not what I want, so let's hit escape a couple times. Let's click that three foot six by three foot six. Let's click Edit Family. Let's select this. This is simply a tag. I'm going to pull these in a little bit, though, just like that. Let's click Edit Label, and for the Type Name I want that to go away, so I'm going to select that and I'm going to click the red remove. Let's scroll down 'til we…
