From the course: Revit 2020: Essential Training for Structure (Imperial)

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Creating a CMU elevator shaft

Creating a CMU elevator shaft

- [Instructor] Since elevator shafts are generally, a structural item, we'll address it here. So let's model an elevator shaft. I'm going to open Structure_14. I'd like to make a new level called penthouse. So let's go down to our south elevation. So in the Project Browser, let's go Elevations, South elevation. Let's right-click on roof and let's go to Create Similar. On the Draw panel, click the pic lines button. We'll make this 10 feet. Hover over roof and let's offset roof up into the sky. Let's go 10 feet. Now let's turn on this side. Hit escape a couple times. Let's select level eight. Click it again and let's rename it to PENTHOUSE. Click Enter. Would you like to rename corresponding views? We sure do, click Yes. Okay, hit Escape. Let's go down to Level 1 structural plan zoom in here. You know what, I want to turn my architectural model off for a while. In my Project Browser, let's scroll down until we find Revit Links. Let's drill into that. If we right click on…
