From the course: Revit 2020: Essential Training for Structure (Imperial)

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- [Instructor] I want to look at how we can physically cope our beams in the 3D model. This goes into the detailing part of what we're going to be doing here. But we can physically cope the beams. And it actually gets coped in a 3D model. There's two different ways to do it. Let's take a look. Let's open up Structure_48. Let's make sure we're in the typical framing section. Now I want to zoom into this area here and select this beam. Let's unpin it. Now notice, we can grab this little grip and drag this in right till it hits the middle of that beam. Hit Esc a couple times. Go to the Modify tab and click the Cope button. Now down here, Revit's going to say first pick, select element to be coped. I'm going to select my beam here, then I'm going to select this beam here. Bingo, and it copes it out. Now I'm not a huge fan of that. So let's look at another way we can do it. Let's come down to this side. Let's select this beam. It's already unpinned, so we can pull it into this beam. Hit…
