From the course: Revit 2020: Essential Training for Structure (Imperial)
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Adding step footings - Revit Structure Tutorial
From the course: Revit 2020: Essential Training for Structure (Imperial)
Adding step footings
- [Instructor] Now that we have our foundations pretty much completely modeled, I'd like to investigate how we're going to deal with a stacked footing. Let's jump into Structure_17 and figure it out. We'll go down to Level 1. Let's jump into our west elevation. Zoom in on the west elevation here. What we need to do is we need to edit the profile of this foundation wall. Select the wall. Let's click on Edit Profile. Perfect. Now what we need to do is just kind of step this down. Notice that once we click on Edit Profile, we have these Magenta lines, and we can sketch anything we want. We can put little holes in it for sleeves, whatever. What I want to do, is I want to create a step footing. So on the Draw panel, I'm going to click Pick Lines. I'm going to offset two feet, and I'm going to offset this line down two feet. Now I'm going to set my offset for four feet. I'm going to offset this line over four feet. I'm going to stop right there. What I'm going to do, is I'm going to trim…
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Adding foundation walls2m 55s
Adding wall footings1m 36s
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Adding isolated footings1m 39s
Creating a CMU elevator shaft7m 40s
Shaft openings2m 42s
Adding step footings4m 17s
Tagging a step footing4m 13s
Adding a step footing family2m 48s
Retaining walls and footings4m 34s