From the course: Revit 2020: Essential Training for Structure (Imperial)

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Adding a clip angle

Adding a clip angle

- [Instructor] Here's another item we used to just draft. I suppose we still can, but check this out. The objective of this video is to add a clip angle to a beam. It's pretty easy. To do it, let's jump into Revit. Under Models, let's go to New. For the template file hit the drop down and grab Structural Template, the click OK. Let's drop a couple beams. Go to the Structure tab, click Beam. I'm going to draw one here. I'm going to draw one here. Hit escape a few times. Now, go to a 3D view and zoom in on our two beams. Change the detail level to Fine. Change the visual style to Hidden Line or Realistic, or whatever you want. Go to Steel, click Connection Settings. Scroll down until we find Clip Angle. Let's add it, click OK. Click Connection, hit the drop down here. We'll grab a clip angle. Now, hold down the Control key and select both beams. Hit the Enter and there's our clip angle. Let's go back down to level two. Hit escape a couple times. Notice you can't see it, but it gives us…
