From the course: Retail Sales Foundations

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Retail factors that impact sales

Retail factors that impact sales

From the course: Retail Sales Foundations

Retail factors that impact sales

- Today's buying landscape is really interesting. It's increasing competitive, and there's always something new. There's so much choice, and there's so much selection that it has become very difficult for retailers to succeed or to stand out. The customer of today values efficiency and speed, and it's almost impossible to compete on price because everybody's price is instantly available. If the customer just wants the cheapest price, it's very easy to get it. There are a number of factors that influence retail businesses or impact sales, and there's a number of things that we can do to control those factors to create our desired results. The first is to understand how you measure up. Are you constantly seeking feedback from your customers on how you can improve or how you can provide a better customer experience? This is one of the most affective steps to providing a better customer experience. You need to know what your customers want. For example, you might learn that many of your…
