From the course: Requirements Elicitation for Business Analysts: Interviews

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Using interviews to elicit requirements

Using interviews to elicit requirements

- There was a time in my career as a business analyst when I thought I could be more productive meeting with the entire project team to elicit and build shared understanding of requirements. I'm also an extrovert, so the group meetings were fun for me. Then I realized that all the large group meetings were not helping with the quality of my requirements. Things were going unsaid and I didn't have trust for my stakeholders. They didn't really all agree with one another as they seemed to in the meeting. I made a switch to interviewing as well as these big group meetings, and it made a big difference in my results. Interviews help us build powerful relationships with stakeholders. Interviewing stakeholders in small groups or one-on-one can help us understand the problem or opportunity, build relationships, and understand the potential solution from each person's unique perspective. There may be many different people to…
