From the course: Requirements Elicitation and Analysis
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Process models
From the course: Requirements Elicitation and Analysis
Process models
- Process models are kind of like a good conversation starter. They're the starting point of what will hopefully be a meaningful conversation. Process modeling is about creating a visual to explain a process or sequence of activities. It takes a lot of good conversations to deliver valuable solutions. That's probably why process modeling is the most commonly used technique for requirements analysis. It's a multi-purpose tool. You can use process models to ignite dialogue on the team, see where details fit into the big picture, visualize the process, organize requirements information, and analyze various detailed aspects of the product, system, or process. There are various levels of formality in process modeling, and I typically prefer a more informal style. I choose a more informal style because it supports the purpose of requirements analysis work, which tends to be more about dialogue, alignment, shared…
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