From the course: Requirements Elicitation and Analysis
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From the course: Requirements Elicitation and Analysis
- If you had an interview for your dream job, you wouldn't just wing it, right? You'd prepare, you'd research, and anticipate and follow up afterwards. Well, you should take the same approach when using interviews to elicit requirements. Interviews are an extremely common elicitation technique and no doubt you're already using them, but are they as effective as they could be? I'd like to look at interviews as either a relationship building tool or a deeper dive into the details of someone's domain or scope of work. You can find value in interviewing almost anyone associated with the project like sponsors, subject matter experts, business managers, customers, and users. But your interviews should be strategic, helping you build or smooth relationships with key stakeholders or eliciting details in areas of complexity. To create high-impact interviews, I break each interview into three steps, prepare, conduct, and…
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