From the course: Requirements Elicitation and Analysis

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Adding to a process, product, or system

Adding to a process, product, or system

From the course: Requirements Elicitation and Analysis

Adding to a process, product, or system

- Most backlog items and requests that BAs work on are about adding to, or modifying a solution. When adding to, enhancing, or fixing an existing solution, it's easy to put your blinders on and just manage each request individually. But this is actually a bit of a trap. Many teams have a backlog of enhancements, defects, and requests associated with existing solutions. The trick is figuring out which of these many items are important and actually worth doing. It's not an exaggeration to say that over half of an average team's backlog items should never get done. So much of it is multiple requests for the same root cause, or just not as important as spending time creating the future and innovating. How do we ensure that what we're working on is the right stuff? It's important to analyze the backlog to identify patterns. We analyze this by asking questions such as, is each item helping us move forward, or keeping us in the…
