From the course: Remarketing Strategies with Google Ads and Analytics

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Get the most from your Google Analytics audience report

Get the most from your Google Analytics audience report

From the course: Remarketing Strategies with Google Ads and Analytics

Get the most from your Google Analytics audience report

- [Instructor] I love the Google Analytics Audiences Report. There's much how much data that you can glean from it. On the surface, you can see which audiences have the highest conversion rates and conversion volume. That alone is immensely helpful. But another piece that is immensely helpful here is that Google Analytics is tracking the performance of these audiences over time across multiple visits. So not only can you learn which audiences have the highest value at the surface level, you can also learn things like which high funnel micro-conversions are most likely to result in low funnel conversions like purchases or trial signups in the case of the SaaS company that we have here. So to get a better understanding of which high funnel micro-conversions are driving low funnel value, all you would have to do is create an audience for each micro-conversion and monitor their performance over time within the audiences…
