From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Vocals with close reflections

Vocals with close reflections - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Vocals with close reflections

- [Instructor] One thing I deal with when I'm mixing other folks' sessions is poorly recorded vocals. There are a number of things that can go wrong while tracking, and vocals with close reflections can be one of the hardest to work with. Sometimes home recordists will sing at a desk, near a wall, or even get nasty reflections from their own computer monitor. For these examples, I had the vocalist sing a typical vocal six inches from a mic, out in a room with a little bit of treatment to make it not too reflective or roomy sounding. And then we had her sing up against a glass door, kind of a crazy idea, but it's indicative of the kind of problems that happen in some home recording scenarios and such. And then we put a mic in the corner of an iso booth and had her sing into the corner with the treated walls and weird reflections coming back at her from that corner. So we're going to listen to these examples against the music track, and then we're going to also listen to them soloed…
