From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Tracking one guitar with two amps: Polarity

Tracking one guitar with two amps: Polarity - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Tracking one guitar with two amps: Polarity

- [Narrator] In the studio, sometimes we will use two guitar amps sharing the signal from a single guitar in order to get bigger tones, or to get a wider stereo sound. I have two other videos covering aspects of how to split the signal, plus how to deal with ground loops in home. But in this one, we'll cover polarity and phase issues when splitting the guitar signal between two amps, and how to solve these problems. For our examples, I've recorded guitar split via a Little Lab's PCP buffering splitting device, and via simple jumpering between guitar amp inputs. When I first set up the two amps, split via the PCP box I tried flipping the polarity on the mic pre-amps in the control room to see if the speakers in the two amps were in phase with each other. They were not. And inverting polarity on one mic amp side made the guitar sound better. (guitar playing) Out of phase. In phase. But this solution, no matter how much it helped, bothered me. Why? Because I knew in the actual recording…
