From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Tambourines all sound different

Tambourines all sound different - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Tambourines all sound different

- [Instructor] Okay, maybe the title "Tambourines All Sound Different," is kind of obvious. I'm really sorry, but it's true. They don't all sound the same. So all I'm simply saying here is to have a few different tambourines on hand and try them all to see which ones will sound better for the song at hand. Here's a test we did one day in the studio. (tambourine shaking) (low pitch tambourine shaking) (tinny tambourine shaking) (metallic tambourine clinking) (high pitch tambourine shaking) Note the different frequencies that jump out, how the different bells sound, and how they react to movement. Take another listen with that criteria in mind. (tambourine shaking) (low pitch tambourine shaking) (tinny tambourine shaking) (metallic tambourine clinking) (high pitch tambourine shaking) Yes, tambourines all sound different. Now go to the music store and grab a couple more and start recording.
