From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Sum to mono your low end

Sum to mono your low end

- [Instructor] I had a record to mix years ago where the artist was adamant that we pan the drums left and the bass right for an entire album. When I found out that he would also be pressing this on vinyl, I decided to make sure that all the low end on these instruments was summed to the center, and not panned left and right. Why? Because panned low-end content on LPs will usually cause the needle to pop right out of the groove, and it will also be much harder to cut on the initial lacquer. On that record, I was mixing completely analog, through a console, and I had to use crossover filters, selective panning, and lots of other tricks in order to make the low end centered and the other frequencies panned left and right. Now with some of the fancy plugins out there, you can achieve this effect quite easily. I've used the Pro Multiband Splitter in ProTools, part of their Pro Multiband Compressor, for several years, and it's simple to set up. I decided in this case to send the entire mix…
