From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Snare compression

Snare compression

- Many novice recordists seem to find compression the hardest concept to understand when recording music. Beginning with simple leveling of vocal or bass guitar performances is a good start. But utilizing compression to change drum sounds is the next step. Here we recorded a simple drum setup with no EQ or compression while tracking. (drumming music) So I've set up an unaffected snare track and four examples of different compression in order to hear various ways compressions will affect drums. So the first example, we have a medium attack and a fast release and a ratio of four. (drumming music) The second example we have is the same. Medium attack, fast release, and a ratio of eight, so theoretically it'll compress more when the signal threshold is met. (drumming music) The third example is... A medium attack, fast release, and a ratio of 12. (drumming music) And then our fourth example is a fast attack, fast release, and a ratio of 12. (drumming music) Compress it. Listen for the…
