From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Roving microphones on drums

Roving microphones on drums - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Roving microphones on drums

- [Instructor] For this experiment, I wondered what it would sound like if I physically held the drum overhead mics, and walked away from and then back to the drum set while the drummer was playing. I walked away into an isolation booth, brought the mics down near the floor, and then I walked back to hold the mics back above the kit where they'd normally be placed. It was kind of funny. We were laughing a little bit, but it's gonna be pretty interesting to hear what this did. So as you can see on the track here, the overheads, the purple track, in the middle it gets very quiet, over here where I got the mouse right now. And let's take a listen to that. You'll hear it kind of fade out as it goes away. We're starting with the mics up over the kit. (rhythmic drum music) So that is crazy. You hear some weird stereo movement. You obviously hear a volume difference as the mics get further away, and then sounds get more diffuse. Some of the high end gets softer, which is a typical situation…
