From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Reverse vocal polarity while singing

Reverse vocal polarity while singing - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Reverse vocal polarity while singing

- [Instructor] This is something very interesting. A while back, a Tape Op reader, the magazine that I edit dropped me a line, and asked why no one discussed the concept of switching polarity for vocalist, while they're singing into a mic and wearing headphones. And according to the reader, every time he flipped the polarity for the singer, it sounded better in their headphones. I started trying this out, and on almost, if not all of my pro tools based sessions, this was true. I would test out the singer's mic before they were in the room using it. I'd carefully mute the monitors in the control room before hand, so nobody heard me pretending to sing, and then when I'd check it I'd flip the polarity and run back out and try it again. Almost every time when I flipped the polarity of what I was listening through, it was a deeper and richer sounding in my cans, which obviously means we had some phase cancellation going on. The next time I had a session though that was on two inch tape, I…
