From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Reamping via tweeters only

Reamping via tweeters only - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Reamping via tweeters only

- [Instructor] A while back I started thinking up new ways to create special sound effects by using reamping via studio monitors and mic placement. My thought was that just about anyone that is recording would have one or two microphones and some sort of speaker or two that they were using. These are tricks almost anyone could try out. I was looking at my studio monitors one day, and I had a thought. What if I played back recordings and miked up the tweeter? What would I get? First, I tried a vocal track. Here's the original. ♪ So for the first step ♪ ♪ Let's power down ♪ - [Instructor] And here's the reamped tweeter version. ♪ So for the first step ♪ ♪ Let's power down ♪ - [Instructor] Notice how crispy it gets, yet I thought it would actually be thinner. I think using an omnidirectional mic allowed some of the woofer sound to come through, but also, the overall volume of a tweeter compared to the main driver on a…
