From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Real doppler drum effects

Real doppler drum effects

- [Instructor] A while back I started thinking up new ways to create special sound effects by using reamping via studio monitors and mic placement. My thought was that just about anyone that is recording would have one or two microphones and some sort of speaker or two that they were using. These are tricks almost anyone can try out. While I was creating my "Moving Mics While Reamping" video, I thought the effect of moving mics past the speakers and reamping sources would sound pretty cool on solo drum tracks. First I swung the boom stand back and forth in front of the stereo pair of mics. (percussive music) Note the whoosh of the cymbal crashes as the mics moves away. A cool doppler effect for sure. There's a bit of noise from the mic stand. This is something to be aware of when making tracks like this. (percussive music) This allowed me to move very quickly and create a dizzy, weird effect. You do hear a bit of mic…
