From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Problems with multiple mics on guitar amps

Problems with multiple mics on guitar amps - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Problems with multiple mics on guitar amps

- [Instructor] Many engineers seem to regard using multiple mics on electric guitar cabinets as must-do these days. I remember the first time I put two mics on the same cabinet right next to each other, blended them together, and I really liked the sound, and I still do. I frequently, almost always, put two mics on speakers for guitar amps to get a fuller sound, something about blending them together really works for me. But, a lot of times when I get something mixed, there are problems with multiple mics on the cabinets and most of that has to do with phase. For the examples we're going to play here, I put two mics like you see right here, right up on the speaker. I've got them on a stereo bar and they're pointing right across each other, hopefully as close in phase as I could get. You can see it from above there, too. For the next mic, I put one just a bit further back here pointing towards the speaker as well, and then I put one more mic up on the far right there as sort of a…
