From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Pro audio rack gear as stompboxes

Pro audio rack gear as stompboxes - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Pro audio rack gear as stompboxes

- [Instructor] For this fun experiment, I set up a guitar reamp situation. I fed a direct recorded electric guitar, through a radio EXTC box, before sending it out to the guitar amplifier in the live room. The EXTC allowed me to route the guitar signal through several pieces of rack mount gear, as if they were stomp boxes, and the results are interesting. So here is the original guitar, untreated. (guitar music) All right, so you get a baseline for what the sound is. Here it is running through a fancy tube compressor. (guitar music) Check it out versus the uncompressed guitar. Uncompressed: (guitar music) You can hear how the notes in the background are brought up, and kind of ring out more. And, it has a different tonality and a different bite to the attack. Here it is again: (guitar music) Notice that bite, it's kind of interesting. Now here we have one that's run through a VCA compressor, and let's…
