From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Moving speakers while reamping

Moving speakers while reamping - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Moving speakers while reamping

- [Instructor] A while back, I started thinking up new ways to create special sound effects by using reamping via studio monitors and mic placement. My thought was that just about anyone that is recording would have one or two microphones and some sort of speaker or two that they were using. So these are tricks that almost anyone could try out. Keep in mind that these sort of reamping techniques can be applied to single elements of a mix and don't have to just be used for entire mixes as I'm presenting here. So this video is in reaction to my other video, "Moving Mics while Reamping". Instead of moving the mics past the speakers, I decided to move one of my speakers around the mic pair. Let's take a listen. First, I walked the speaker around the mics. (upbeat music) ♪ So for the first time, let's power down ♪ ♪ Tell me what do you see ♪ ♪ Over and over and over and over repeat these steps ♪ ♪ Till done ♪ (upbeat music)…
